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Cathy Robbins Thinking Aloud

New article covers the book thoroughly

Casey Sanchez wrote a thorough article about Teepees/Casinos in last Friday's Pasatiempo, the fat weekly magazine of the Santa Fe New Mexican. Sanchez managed to cover a number of topics I cover in the story, which splashed over 2-3 tabloid-sized pages with plenty of pictures. Unfortunately, Pasatiempo is not available on line, but I have it on my hard drive as a jpg, so I'll post that! Thanks Casey for a good job!

This follows a terrific piece a couple of weeks ago in the hefty 96 Hours section of the San Francisco Chronicle. Wirtten by Louis Peitzman, a Los Angeles writer. See the text posted on the reviews page! Read More 
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Thanks San Francisco

Had a wonderful turnout for a book event at the San Francisco Public Library Main. Glad you came and enjoyed the talk. Thanks to Joan Jasper at the events department. I'll visit the Merced branch for its monthly salon on Feb. 22, at 7 pm., 155 Winston Drive, across 19th Ave. from Stonestown.  Read More 
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