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"The Making of a Geek"

How a humanist slides into Geekdom, beginning with Star Trek through medieval music all the way to algebra.


Newsletter of the Institute for Historical Study, San Francisco Bay Area

"A Sacred Hour in Our Hectic Lives"

How the family dinner hour worked for us.

San Francisco Chronicle On the Blog

All Indians Do Not Live in Teepees (or Casinos) is Cathy Robbins' first book. She has written dozens of stories for various publications including High Country News, Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque Tribune,, New Mexico Magazineand The New York Times.

New Work

She is currently working on A Torrid Splendor: Findin Calabria. This book is about Calabria, the toe of the Italian boot.


Among the publications where Robbins' work has appeared:

New York Times
High Country News


Denver Post
San Jose Mercury News
New Mexico Magazine
Diversion Magazine